Enter your cash and credit card expenses. Local or foreign currency with automatic update. Attach your receipts. Send the report from wherever you are.
Approve expense reports
Define an approval workflow. Review and approve the expenses reports in a simple and orderly manner.
Powerful analysis
The different reports will help you visualize and audit employees’ expenses, you will be able to make efficient decisions.
Maintain Compliance Standards
Comply with applicable regulations, policies and internal procedures.
The way in which employees spend in companies is one of the most effective "thermometers" in measuring the control environment, business ethics and compliance with policies and procedures.
Carlos Rozen (Partner in BDO and President of the Argentine Association of Ethics and Compliance “Asociación Argentina de Ética y Compliance”)
Latest News
T&E Express incorpora "Magic Scan" como funcionalidad diferenciadora
T&E Express lanzó su nueva funcionalidad llamada "MAGIC SCAN" mediante la cual los usuarios pueden capturar en forma rápida las imágenes de los comprobantes de gastos y la plataforma, mediante un potente motor de inteligencia artificial y machine learning, se ocupa de identificar todos los datos relevantes de los comprobantes para automatizar las rendiciones de gastos.
Hoy esta funcionalidad está madura y alcanza más del 88% de efectividad, por lo que coloca a T&E Express por encima de sus competidores internacionales.
T&E Express fue ganadora como mejor startup fintech de Argentina y Uruguay en el concurso Finnovista - Visa.…
Integration with the main credit cards of all the banks.
Importing the monthly corporate credit card statements for VISA and AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD to T&E Express, it will automatically load the statements of all the users with their expenses saving them time.
We have been using T&E Express in Sinteplast for two years. It is an essential tool for the Company which enabled us to order the expense report rendering process, by standardizing and controlling it in a very efficient manner. It is very adaptable to the needs we have in Sinteplast. It significantly reduced the time for the expense payment process to staff, which resulted in an improved working environment in the company.
Fernando Pantaleon
Audit Manager, Sinteplast
Since we implemented T&E Express at a regional level we were able to significantly reduce the time in the loading and approval of expense reports. The support provided is fast and efficient.
Jimena Navaza
Compliance & Process Improvement, Diageo
With T&E Express we save a lot of money in the process. It is very simple to use and it helps us work in an orderly manner. We are in the evaluation process to implement it in all the Latin American Region.
Julian Garcia
Treasury, Whirlpool
JLL: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Perú, Ecuador
Argentina Clearing
La Serenísima
Biogénesis Bago: Argentina y Brasil
AssistCard: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú, Uruguay, USA
Sinergium Biotech
BVS: Argentina, Chile, España, Uruguay, USA y Paraguay
Bruchou + Funes de Rioja
Grupo Konecta
Litoral Gas
Tecno Acción
Varifarma: Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Perú
360 Energy
Grupo Albanesi
Arcor: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, España, EEUU